The Versatile Storyteller

An intensive boot camp for writers of all levels who are seeking to become more versatile with their storytelling while enhancing their skills along the way.

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Human beings are versatile, it's within our nature.

As storytellers we aim to engage, excite and enlighten. What if you could do so with truly multifaceted skill and thus add beautifully to the array of storytelling we all seek to be enthralled by?

Theory can be a great starting point, but unless tested out in the real world it proves to be nothing more than speculation.

With actual critically acclaimed literary works which acts as companion material to each section along with over thirty years of storytelling experience author Rico Lamoureux guides you on this transformational journey of becoming a...

In this first section we go over the fundamentals of great storytelling. Regardless of genre, style, etc. It all starts here!

Companion Material:

Elsa's Gift

From Trees He Came

Section Two has us delving into the gritty world of the Crime Thriller as we carve out the key elements to writing a great one!

Companion Material: Riker's Calling

With Section Three we discover Screenwriting 101 is the backbone to movie magic, going over the foundation of what makes a solid screenplay.

Companion Material: Dominican Hill

Section Four is all about bringing music and video together as one. Whether it be concept driven, performance driven or a combination of the two.

Companion material:


FOB-The (After) Life of the Party

The Yin Yang Theory-Undone

Music Video-Undone

Things are about to get scary in Section Five as we unleash Horror, discovering the real secret to sinking your skills into the reader for an everlasting impression.

Companion Material:

Aunt Mama

The Mirrored Staircase

Freddy's Origins

Section Six has us storytelling for the kiddies with great Picture Books!

Companion Material:

Baby & the Purposeful Firefly

From Sketch to Book

Section Seven, everyone has a personal life story.

Create your Autobiography in a way that will truly move your reader.

Companion Material: Power of the Pen

Part of the human condition is human sexuality, so we strip away the taboo and get to the core of great Erotica in Section Eight.

Companion Material:

6 Degrees of SeXparation

The Timekeeper's Daughter

Section Nine we explore the fine balance of the Novella.

Companion Material: The Maiden of Monaco

With Section Ten we take our passion of storytelling and release it through one swift gesture of genius which goes by the name Flash Fiction!

Companion Material:

Enduring Whispers

Butterball's Laughter

Bread with Rodin

Val's Heart


Plant the seed of want within the consumer through great Commercial Writing in Section Eleven.

Companion Material:

Commercial Script to Actual Commercial

For Section Twelve, let's wrap it up with a few deep Final Thoughts;)

Your Instructor

Rico Lamoureux
Rico Lamoureux

Being a published author of over a dozen literary works as well as a blog currently read in over one hundred countries I believe my dedication to the art and craft of storytelling reflects in my ability to both engage and enlighten readers the world over. In addition to this I have been teaching writing to children and adults alike for nearly a decade, therefore allowing me to say with confidence that I can help students enrich their writing and thus take their literary skills to the next level, and beyond!

Great writing is a balance between creativity and logic, experience and imagination. What is written is just as important as what is not. Dialogue, description, structure, pace, character; like playing a musical instrument or painting a masterpiece, great writing is about flowing with the artistry of your words. To engage, excite and enlighten your readers.
The Versatile Storyteller Boot Camp is my flagship course. Over thirty years of storytelling experience to help you indeed become a versatile storyteller.

Course Curriculum

  Section 9: Novella
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 12: Final Thoughts
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

Welcome to our community/tribe! Let's stay connected via the comment sections throughout this boot camp as well as using the hashtag #theversatilestoryteller on social media!

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